Frequently Asked Questions
Do I have to let my baby Cry It Out in order to sleep train?
Of course not! I am trained in a variety of sleep training techniques, based on your unique parenting style and comfort level. I can help you with everything ranging from extremely gentle methods, all the way to extinction.
Do I have to book two packages if I have twins?
No, you only need to book one consultation if you have twins. We will address each child’s unique sleep situation separately and in-depth, but there is no double charge. You pay double for enough when you have twins!
Can I work with you if my baby is a newborn?
While I do not recommend starting any formal sleep training before a baby is at least 4 months adjusted age, I can help you out with sleep environment, routine and schedule tips to set your baby up with good sleep habits early on!
I’m not sure I’m ready to “sleep train,” so can you still help me?
Absolutely! I never advise anyone to try something they aren’t comfortable with. After evaluating your child’s unique situation, I can recommend schedule shifts and other ways to help improve their sleep without any formal sleep training.
Can I sleep train if I am still breastfeeding?
Yes! Sleep training and nursing can absolutely coexist, and I can help guide you in how to best work in overnight feedings while still cultivating independent sleep for your child.
We don’t have a “traditional” family…
Awesome! I have a multicultural family myself and love working with all kinds of families. I have experience working with all types of cultural backgrounds, LGBTQ parents, single parents, foster/adoptive families, you name it!